14, Oct 2018
Five Steps for Successful Visualisation

5 Steps For Successful Visualisation

Many people anticipate success and money will come easy. I’m going to tell you differently. Unless you’re resting on money someone else earned, it does not. It takes work, dedication and clarity. If anyone tells you that simply believing in something will get you what you want, they’re lying to you. It just doesn’t work. You’re going to have to work for it.

First, you require focus and to get that you need to do the real, difficult work of visualisation. This is not creating a cliché vision board or writing affirmations on your mirror. This is serious and your success can hinge on it. Don’t anticipate genuine results if you do not take it seriously and give it the attention it should have.

Visualisation can be broken down into 5 primary actions. Avoiding or skimping on any of these steps greatly weakens the process, so if you don’t do it right, it’s like missing it all together.

Step One: Clarify Your Intentions

This may seem obvious, but it’s essential that you actually comprehend your own objectives. If your objectives are ‘be effective’ or ‘make more money’ then you either have no creativity or you’re being lazy. The goals you set need to be unique to you, something you’re ready to work your ass off for, and they must be specific.

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Step Two: Live the Goal

In action 2, you have to envision that you have ACTUALLY achieved your goals. For visualisation to work, you must produce a strongly genuine understanding with your sub-conscious and conscious mind that you’ve already attained your objectives.
This might feel weird at initially, but doing it wholeheartedly is vital to your future success. Try getting yourself deeply relaxed, closing your eyes, and seeing your environment in your mind’s eye. How does your reality appearnow that you’ve achieved your goals?

Step 3: Shape the Course

Step three is comprehending how you created this life. This is the work– the doing. Visualise how you got to where you are. Take a look at every significant moment that led you to accomplishing the goals you show and set on how you put those pieces together.
This action is as crucial, because it’s important that you envision yourself doing the work. Yes, you still have to roll up your sleeves and do the work.

Step 4: Take Note

When you come out of the visualisation, it’s time to make it permanent. Document each and every single step that you saw in part three of the visualisation exercise. If you want to achieve the outcome you visualised, what you’ve written is your brand-new life plan.

Step 5: Take Action

Get stuck in. Don’t procrastinate! Look at what you need to do and do it.


Visualisation can be easily written off as a new age trend. I know from my own experience and the experiences of others who have actually attained fantastic wealth that visualisation is a required and crucial step on the journey towards personal wealth.
What do you think? Follow me on my blog and social media to talk more about visualisation and other wealth-building tools. www.johnsage.com.au